Roberto Giobbi's Magic Books

Roberto Giobbi is one of the most prolific magic authors and teachers. He published dozens of magic books focused mainly on card magic and magic theory.

His Card College is often regarded as the best book series ever written on card magic. Its first two volumes are a perfect choice for any beginner looking to learn card magic properly.

6 items total
Sharing Secrets by Roberto Giobbi
67.32 EUR

Sharing Secrets is a fantastic book on magic theory by Roberto Giobbi.

Card College 5 card magic book by Roberto Giobbi
41.82 EUR

Card College 5 is the grand finale of this acclaimed pentalogy by Roberto Giobbi.

Card College 4 card magic book by Roberto Giobbi
39.43 EUR

The fourth volume of Card College explores more intermediate and advanced card magic.

Card College 3 card magic book by Roberto Giobbi
41.82 EUR

The third volume of Card College lets you try intermediate and more advanced techniques and card tricks.

Card College 2 card magic book by Roberto Giobbi
41.82 EUR

The perfect follow-up to volume one, Card College 2, will give you a fantastic basis in card magic.

Card College 1 card magic book by Roberto Giobbi
39.43 EUR

Card College 1 is one of the best books for anyone looking to learn card magic properly.

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