
The Mind Is A Powerful Place

Mentalism effects are considered to be the strongest ones in magic. Reading the spectator's mind, correctly guessing the card they are merely thinking of, or calling out the name of the person they are close with. These types of effects always leave the spectators with a great memory. 

At first, mentalism can be perceived as easy due to a general lack of sleight of hand. The hardest part of mentalism is the performance side. Performing a mentalism routine with the desired outcome and effect takes practice. But don't be scared by that. If performed right, you can leave your spectators with an unforgettable experience.

What's great about most mentalism routines is that they can be performed for any audience size, close-up, or on stage. 

40 items total
Kouzlo Emojinary by Neta Bresler
Emojinary by Neta Bresler
In stock (2 pcs)
47.40 EUR

Emojinary lets you use emojis to perform mind-blowing magic.

47.40 EUR

Predict the outcome of a coin toss with Alexander Marsh's magic trick HOT. Now, with half dollar size coins.

Eclipse (Parlour Size) by Dee Christopher (ESP Plastic Cards)
58.75 EUR

Dee Christopher's ESP Eclipse cards are now available in Parlour Size. They're twice the size!

SvenPad KoD Grande (Black)
41.82 EUR

SvenPad KoD Grande is an enlarged version of many mentalists’ favorite prop.

EasyTones by Rich Relish & Craig Petty
39.43 EUR

EasyTones is a deck of color palettes with many possible uses for powerful magic.

The Mental Billet Pad by TCC
65.72 EUR

The Mental Billet Pad is a mentalism tool with three features.

The Marked Billets by TCC
The Marked Billets by TCC
In stock (3 pcs)
22.31 EUR

Marked Billets are marked blank cards for magic and mentalism.

Tossed Out Memories by Paralabs
49.79 EUR

Paralabs' Tossed Out Memories lets you name the chosen items and address your spectators' thoughts.

Illumination by Luke Jermay
103.17 EUR

You can draw the spectator into the book's plot and guess the chosen word with Luke Jermay's Illumination.

The Hi-Jak Wallet by Secret Tannery
101.57 EUR

The Hi-Jak Wallet is a gorgeous-looking leather peek wallet for magicians and mentalists.

Black Door by Riccardo Berdini
45.81 EUR

Black Door allows you to switch objects in the blink of an eye.

The System by Michael Murray (magic trick)
43.82 EUR

The spectator just thinks of a card. You reveal it! The System is a fantastic addition to your every day carry.

Bicycle ESP Deck
Bicycle ESP Deck
In stock (4 pcs)
13.14 EUR

A full deck of Bicycle ESP cards with two hours of video instructions.

Tricolour by Simon Lipkin and The 1914 Magic
Tricolour by Simon Lipkin
In stock (2 pcs)
67.52 EUR

Three Sharpie pens. Endless possibilities. Simon Lipkin's Tricolour is a fantastic tool for magic.

PTSD by Mark Lemon (mentalism magic trick)
PTSD by Mark Lemon
In stock (2 pcs)
51.38 EUR

Mark Lemon's PTSD is a brilliant magic trick. A named card appears in an envelope.

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Vytvořil Shoptet | Design