Marked Bicycle Rider Backs on Kickstarter


Our Marked Bicycle Rider Back Playing Cards are NOW AVAILABLE on Kickstarter.

Why Mark the Bicycle Rider Back Playing Cards?

They have been around since 1887. They are the most well-known playing cards worldwide and are easily recognized by many. They have their place in many people’s homes as their primary choice for card games. Because of their notoriety, magicians have adopted them as the widely used standard.

As they are so well-known, they are the most inconspicuous deck magician can have. That’s why we marked them. A known standard deck of cards now becomes a powerful tool in the magicians’ hands.

Introduction / General Information

We released the first edition of Marked Bicycle Rider Backs at the end of 2023. They were produced thanks to an official collaboration with Bicycle Cards. They were limited to just 1.000 decks, split between Black Seals (for the official Bicycle store) and Blue Seals (for us, Butterfly Magic Store).

Producing the Marked Bicycle Rider Backs last year was a massive achievement for us, and we will always be grateful for the opportunity. The first print run tested the marking system and provided collectors and curious minds with officially produced marked Bicycle Rider Backs in almost a decade.

But! Our goal is to create a magician’s worker deck. One condition of a worker deck is that the cards have to be widely available. That’s where you, our friends, customers, and magicians come into play.

We are starting a Kickstarter campaign on April 2. The base goal is to produce 2,500 red Marked Bicycle Rider Back decks. If the demand exceeds that goal, we will print more.

A little bit of extra information: This marking system first appeared in Piña Playing Cards, a collaboration between us and Spanish magician Víctor Piña.

The Price

The first step is to meet the campaign goal of 10.000 EUR. We want to achieve that by offering the decks for cheap!

Yes! It might sound counterintuitive, but it is true. We want these to be part of magicians’ every day carries and want them to be as affordable as possible.

The base price for a single deck is 12 EUR. Twelve decks will be available for 120 EUR. We have prepared a few Early Bird Deals, significantly lowering the price.

  • A Single Deck Early Bird - 10 EUR
  • A Two Deck Early Bird - 20 EUR
  • A Four Deck Early Bird - 40 EUR
  • A Six Deck Early Bird - 60 EUR
  • A Twelve Deck Early Bird - 95 EUR (Less than 8 EUR per deck!)

The Early Bird Deals will only be available for the first 24 hours. Be there on time to get the Marked Bicycle Rider Backs for a crazy low price.

The Features

As mentioned, these are the first officially approved marked Bicycle Rider Backs in almost a decade. We’ve added a marking system to the iconic Bicycle back design. Thanks to this enhancement, you can quickly tell the identity of any card in the deck.

This is helpful in the hundreds of magic tricks created for marked cards. Marked decks are popular among mentalists, allowing you to perform mind-reading routines. Using a marked deck can also be helpful if the trick does not go as planned. It can be your backup plan.

The cards are not just marked - they are also one-way! There’s a small one-way mark hidden in the back design, and once you find it, you will always see it. As with the marking system, the one-way back design can be utilized in countless magic tricks.

Every deck will come with a double-backer, one of the most versatile gimmicks in card magic. We might have something planned for the second extra card (the decks will have 56 cards), but the campaign's backers will have the main say. Do you want to be directly involved in the project? Join the campaign! The sooner you join, the more influence you will have.

It might seem we forgot the Jokers. We didn't! The decks will include two identical Jokers, providing you with duplicates straight out of the box.

This Is Just The Start

We’ve prepared many stretch goals, add-ons, and surprises that will be revealed throughout the campaign.

Join the campaign and enjoy the journey from the first row.

Help us spread the word to make these the new standard by sharing the campaign with your friends on Facebook, Instagram, other social media, and offline.

Vytvořil Shoptet | Design